Employment Opportunities

    Vacancies, opportunities and scholarships at other organisations

    Executive Secretary - SPRFMO 

    The Commission for the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation (SPRFMO) invites applications for the position of Executive Secretary.

    SPRFMO is an international organisation responsible for the conservation and management of non‐highly migratory fishery resources in the Convention Area. The Secretariat of the Commission for the SPRFMO is headquartered in Wellington, New Zealand. The Executive Secretary is responsible for the management and supervision of the Secretariat and the provision of advice to the Commission. READ MORE...


    NPFC Vacancies


    Application for the NPFC Internship is open all year-round. We are seeking candidates for the internship period starting from mid to late 2024... READ MORE...


    As with Internships, Secondments are welcomed for mid-level or senior officials who can assist the Commission and Secretariat in its work and are usually between one to 12 months in duration. As with the Internship program, we are now seeking candidates for the secondment period starting from mid to late 2024... READ MORE...