Commission Structure 2024
The NPFC is comprised of the Commission formed by all its Members. The Commission is supported by four subsidiary bodies: the Scientific Committee (SC); the ad-hoc SC-TCC-COM Small Working Group on Management Strategy Evaluation for Pacific Saury (SWG MSE PS); the Technical and Compliance Committee (TCC) and the Finance and Administration Committee (FAC). Each of these subsidiary bodies have their own specialist technical supporting groups.
At present under the Scientific Committee, there are four such groups: the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury (SSC PS); the Small Scientific Committee on Neon Flying Squid (SSC NFS); the Small Scientific Committee on Bottom Fish and Marine Ecosystems (SSC BF-ME); and the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment (TWG CMSA). In addition, the SC formed four informal Small Working Groups (SWG) to address other priority species: SWG on Japanese Flying Squid, SWG on Japanese Sardine and SWG on Blue (Spotted) Mackerel.
The Technical and Compliance Committee two (2) groups: SWG on Planning & Development and SWG on Operations.
The resultant NPFC structure is noted below.
In 2021, the NPFC established a joint ad-hoc SC-TCC-COM Small Working Group on Management Strategy Evaluation for Pacific saury (SWG MSE PS) to develop draft harvest control rules for Pacific saury as an interim measure and to steer the process of the development of management strategy evaluation (MSE) for Pacific saury.