The fitting results of ASAP to pseudo data and performance measures for operating model of Chub mackerel

    This document showed the results of ASAP (age-structured assessment program) fitting to pseudo data (catch at age and six abundance indices), with the performance measures. Almost ASAP converged (2303 of 2400 basic runs and 463 of 480 retrospective analysis), with good model fitting and relatively low Mohn’s ρ values. Compare with ASAP based on real data, results from pseudo data have higher TB, SSBmedian-depletion; lower E, Bmax-depletion, Bmsy_0.7 and Bmsy_0.9; similar R, Bmedian-depletion, F-related BRPs and RFI. How to interpret the results and to evaluate the model performance is complex and difficult, requiring much discussion during the TWG CMSA06.  

    Document Number
    NPFC-2022-TWG CMSA06-WP12
    Document Version
    Agenda Item
    Report on the performance of the candidate stock assessment models
    Qiuyun Ma, Kai Cai, Yufei Zhou, Siquan Tian