13th SSC PS meeting

    Short Name
    SSC PS13
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Overview of the outcomes of previous NPFC meetings
    3.1 SSC PS12 and SC08
    3.2 SWG MSE PS05
    3.3 COM08
    3.3.1 CMM 2024-08 for Pacific Saury
    3.3.2 Others
    4. Review of the Terms of References of the SSC PS and existing protocols
    4.1 Terms of References of the SSC PS
    4.2 CPUE Standardization Protocol
    4.3 Stock Assessment Protocol
    5. Member’s fishery status including 2024 fishery
    6. Fishery-independent abundance indices
    6.1 Review of results of abundance estimation including 2024 Japanese biomass survey
    6.2 Review of plans of future biomass surveys
    6.3 Recommendations for future work
    7. Fishery-dependent abundance indices
    7.1 Review of Members’ standardized CPUEs up to 2023
    7.2 Review of joint CPUE
    7.3 Recommendations for future work
    8. Biological information on Pacific saury
    8.1 Review of any updates and progress
    8.2 Recommendations for future work
    9. Stock assessment using “provisional base models” (BSSPM)
    9.1 Review and update of the existing specification
    9.2 Recommendations for future work
    10. New stock assessment models
    10.1 Review of the outcomes of WG NSAM01 meeting
    10.2 Review of any progress on new stock assessment models
    10.2.1 Stock Synthesis 3 (SS3)
    10.2.2 State-space age-structured model
    10.3 Recommendations for future work
    11. Toward development of management procedures (MPs) as a mid-term goal
    11.1 Work plan
    11.2 Other
    12. Other matters
    12.1 Data provision templates and data inventory
    12.2 Observer Program
    12.3 Draft agenda, priority issues and timeline for next meeting
    12.4 Other
    13. Adoption of Report
    14. Close of the Meeting
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2024-SSC PS13-MIP02
    Provisional Agenda
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    3.3 COM08
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    3.3.2 Others
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    NPFC-2024-SSC PS13-WP01
    Compiled data on Pacific saury catches in the NWPO
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    11.2 Other
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    12.4 Other
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