1st Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment

    Vladivostok, Russia
    Short Name
    1st TWG CMSA
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-MIP02
    Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-MIP03
    Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-MIP04 (Rev. 3)
    Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-MIP05 (Rev. 1)
    Provisional List of Documents
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP06 (Rev. 2)
    Protocol for CPUE standardization
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP07 (Rev. 3)
    Stock assessment protocol
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    Document Number Title File Created
    Interim guidance for management of scientific data (Click for LINK)
    CMM 2017-07 Conservation and management measure for chub mackerel
    NPFC-2017-AR-Annual Summary Footprint – Chub&Spotted mackerels 2016 Annual summary footprint for chub mackerel and spotted mackerel in the North Pacific Fisheries Commission Area of Competence (Click for LINK)
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-IP01 (Rev. 1) Population dynamics of chub mackerel in the western North Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-IP02 Biology&life history of chub mackerel in the western North Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-IP03 Stock assessment of chub mackerel in the western North Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-MIP02 Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-MIP03 Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-MIP04 (Rev. 3) Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-MIP05 (Rev. 1) Provisional List of Documents
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP01 (Rev. 2) Draft Terms of Reference for the TWG CMSA, draft 2017-2021 Work Plan and draft Data List for stock assessments
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP02 CPUE standardization for the Pacific chub mackerel historical catch in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP03 Draft data list for stock assessment
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP04 Current and future tasks in the stock assessment for chub mackerel in NPFC
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP05 Standardizing abundance indices for recruitment and spawning stock biomass of the chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP06 (Rev. 2) Protocol for CPUE standardization
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA01-WP07 (Rev. 3) Stock assessment protocol
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA02-WP08 The results of Russian fisheries for chub mackerel in 2016
    NPFC-2017-TWG CMSA02-WP09 Oceanographic conditions in the Northwest Pacific and distribution of mackerel based on the data of TINRO-Center fisheries independent surveys in 2014-2016
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP09 A comparison of conventional and state-space production models in fisheries stock assessment and management
    NPFC-2017-WS CM01-Final Report Report of the Ad-hoc Workshop for Chub Mackerel (Click for LINK)