2nd SSC VME meeting

    Shanghai, China
    Short Name
    2nd SSC VME meeting
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-MIP02
    Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-MIP04 (Rev. 2)
    Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-MIP03
    Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-MIP05 (Rev. 2)
    Provisional List of Documents
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-MIP02 Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-MIP03 Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-MIP04 (Rev. 2) Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-MIP05 (Rev. 2) Provisional List of Documents
    NPFC-2017-SC02-WP01 Draft 2017-2021 Research Plan
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-WP01 Identification of existing fishing grounds and unfished areas in the Emperor Seamounts region
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-WP02 Analysis of fishery bycatch and scientific survey data for cold-water corals and sponges in the existing fishing grounds of the Emperor Seamounts region
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-WP03 (Rev. 1) An assessment of the potential impacts of Japanese bottom fisheries on vulnerable marine ecosystems (VMEs) within fished seamounts of the Emperor Seamounts region
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-WP04 Results of the bottom environmental survey of the Emperor Seamount Chain trawl fishing grounds in 2016: Exploration for spatial extent of known coral assemblages and distribution of bycatch corals collected by a trawl operation
    NPFC-2017-SC02-WP05 Suggestions for the 2017-2021 Research Plan (Japan)
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-WP05 Multi-beam bathymetric survey of the Emperor Seamounts
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-WP06 Bycatch on cold water coral by Korean trawl fisheries in the Emperor Seamounts from 2013-2016
    NPFC-2017-SC02-WP06 Items of “Special Projects Funds” for Scientific Projects (Japan’s suggestion)
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-WP07 Revision for Conservation and Management Measure 2016-06 for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northeastern Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-IP01 Summary comparison of VME encounter protocols in bottom fish RFMO/As
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-IP02 Application of association analysis for identifying indicator taxa of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the Emperor Seamounts area, North Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-IP03 Bycatch Data from Russian Fishing Vessels in the NPFC Convention Area in 2016
    NPFC-2017-SSC VME02-OP01 The ABNJ Deep Seas Project UPDATE to the NPFC Scientific Committee
    CMM 2016-05 CMM for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
    CMM 2016-06 CMM for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems in the northeastern Pacific Ocean