Report on VMEs and SAIs on Koko, Yuryaku, Kammu and Colahan seamounts

    Two peer-reviewed papers are presented for consideration under SSC BFME 01 agenda item 6.4.2:
    Baco et al. 2019. Amid fields of rubble, scars, and lost gear, signs of recovery observed on seamounts on 30- to 40-year time scales. 
    Baco et al. 2020. Observations of vulnerable marine ecosystems and significant adverse impacts on high seas seamounts of the northwestern Hawaiian Ridge and Emperor Seamount Chain. 
    These papers document the locations of VMEs and SAIs on seamounts of the NHR-ESC based on scientific research surveys.  They are submitted with the intention of formally reporting these locations to the NPFC. These papers also provide background information relevant to the BFME discussions on establishing VME post-encounter protocols and a standardized approach to SAI determination and are relevant to agenda items 6.3.2, 6.3.3, and 7.3. 
    When SAIs are occurring on VMEs, the NPFC regulations state that it is necessary to “adopt appropriate conservation and management measures to prevent SAIs” [NPFC 2017]. Therefore, in accordance with the precautionary approach, and to “establish appropriate conservation measures” the results presented here would indicate a closure of all NHR and ESC seamounts to bottom contact fisheries until the gear being used can be proven to not cause SAIs. Additionally, since recovery is possible for these VME taxa, not only untrawled areas (‘freeze the footprint type measures”) should be closed, but also actively fished areas should be closed to bottom contact gear to allow them time to recover. Examples of following the precautionary approach in seamount management can be seen in the NAFO area where many features are closed to bottom-fishing due to the presences of corals and sponges [NAFO 2018]. Similar closures have already been enacted for coral-rich habitats within the NPFC on Koko Guyot and C–H seamount [NPFC 2019], thus the NPFC already has the regulatory guidelines in place to enact further closures to protect the VMEs described herein.

    Document Number
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP08
    Document Version
    Agenda Item
    Review of the report on the observations of VMEs and presence of SAIs on the Emperor Seamounts