1st SSC BF-ME meeting

    Short Name
    SSC BFME01
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1 Opening of the Meeting
    2 Adoption of Agenda
    3 Stock assessment and scientific advice on the management of North Pacific armorhead (NPA)
    3.1 NPA monitoring survey and Adaptive Management Procedure (AMP)
    3.1.1 Review of the results from 2020 monitoring survey
    3.1.2 Review of proposed changes to monitoring survey design
    3.2 Update on analyses or progress on biomass estimates from the NPA 2020 acoustic survey
    3.3 Review of Members’ research activities on NPA
    3.3.1 Analysis of recruitment relationships to oceanography
    3.3.2 Review of the report on literature, data availability and data gaps for NPA stock assessment
    4 Stock assessment and scientific advice on the management of splendid alfonsino (SA)
    4.1 Review of Members’ research activities on SA
    4.1.1 Yield per recruit analysis of SA
    4.1.2 Review of the report on literature, data availability and data gaps for SA stock assessment
    4.2 Adaptive management strategy for SA
    4.2.1 Review of approaches from other RFMO’s
    4.2.2 Intersessional work to develop TOR for SA adaptive management plan
    5 Data-limited management tools and approach to assessment of NPA and SA
    5.1 Discussion of next steps in identification of data limited approaches to stock assessment for NPA and SA
    5.1.1 Review of tools available to use with existing data
    5.1.2 Discussion of data availability and sharing
    5.1.3 Planning for identification and application of data limited approaches to stock assessment for NPA and/or SA
    6 Assessment and scientific advice on the management of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME)
    6.1 Review of Members’ research activities on VME
    6.1.1 Towards a quantitative definition of VMEs
    6.1.2 Trade-off analysis between VME protection and sablefish fishing
    6.2 VME identification
    6.2.1 Update on planning for VME indicator taxa identification course
    6.2.2 Adoption of the VME taxa ID guide
    6.2.3 Update on the two potential VME sites identified by Japan
    6.3 Encounter protocol
    6.3.1 Review of post-encounter measure questionnaire results
    6.3.2 Discussion of suggestions from post-encounter questionnaire
    6.3.3 Refinement of post-encounter measures
    6.4 Significant and adverse impacts (SAI) assessment
    6.4.1 Update on Canada-Japan small working group to compare approaches to standardizing an approach to defining SAI
    6.4.2 Review of the report on the observations of VMEs and presence of SAIs on the Emperor Seamounts
    7 Data collection and reporting
    7.1 Review of the template for collection of scientific observer data
    7.2 Update on Japan’s fish ID guide, translation into English and translation costs
    7.3 Update on fishing footprint and effort data sharing
    7.4 Review of example species profile concept and recommendation of direction on future development
    7.5 Review of spatial databases for VME
    7.6 Review of the draft data sharing and data security protocols from the TCC
    8 Proposed 5-Year (2020-2024) Rolling Work Plan
    8.1 North Pacific armorhead
    8.2 Splendid alfonsino
    8.3 Sablefish
    8.4 Vulnerable marine ecosystems
    8.5 Other ecosystem components
    9 Review of CMMs 2019-05 and 2019-06 for bottom fisheries and protection of vulnerable marine ecosystems and CMM 2019-10 for sablefish
    10 Other matters
    10.1 Inter-sessional work and priority issues for next meeting
    10.2 Other issues
    11 Recommendations to the Scientific Committee
    12 Next meeting
    13 Adoption of the Report
    14 Close of the Meeting
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    8.3 Sablefish
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-MIP02 Provisional Agenda NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-MIP02 Provisional Agenda_0.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-MIP03 (Rev. 1) Annotated Indicative Schedule NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-MIP03(Rev 1) Annotated Indicative Schedule_0.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP01 (Rev. 1) SSC BFME 5-Year Rolling Work Plan, 2020-2024 NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP01(Rev 1) SSC BFME Work Plan.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP02 A proposal to develop ‘Species Summary’ documents for the NPFC priority species NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP02 Species Summary for NPFC priority species.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP03 Defining the distribution range of the two potential vulnerable marine ecosystem (VME) sites identified in NPFC-2019-SSC VME04-WP02 in the Emperor Seamounts region NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP03 Distribution range of two potential VME sites.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP04 Blast from the past: a brief summary on the past studies for bottom fish stocks in the Emperor Seamounts area NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP04 Summary on the past studies for bottom fish stocks.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP05 (Rev. 1) Catch size composition of splendid alfonsino in the Emperor Seamounts area before and after the implementation of the mesh size regulation NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP05(Rev 1) Catch size composition of splendid alfonsino.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP06 NPFC VME taxa identification guide Western North Pacific Ocean NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP06 VME taxa id guide_abstract and link.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP07 VME bycatch by Korean trawl fisheries on the Emperor Seamounts in 2019 NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP07 VME bycatch by Korean trawl fisheries.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SC05-WP07 NPFC Data-Sharing and Data-Security Protocol for Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) Data NPFC-2020-SC05-WP07 Data sharing and Data Security Protocols for VMS_0.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP08 Report on VMEs and SAIs on Koko, Yuryaku, Kammu and Colahan seamounts NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP08 Report on VMEs and SAIs on the Emperor Seamounts_USA.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP09 Proposed amendment to CMM2019-05, Annex 6 NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP09 Proposed amendment to CMM2019-05 Annex 6.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP10 Brief review of approaches to Splendid Alfonsino management NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP10 Brief review of approaches to Splendid Alfonsino management.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP11 (Rev. 1) Literature review and data availability for Splendid Alfonsino stock assessment NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP11(Rev 1) Literature review and data availability for Splendid Alfonsino stock assessment.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP12 A Framework for Identifying Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems in the North Pacific Ocean NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP12 A Framework for Identifying Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems.pdf, NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP12 Framework_presentation.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP13 (Rev. 1) Process for Analyzing Trade-offs between Fishing and Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem Protection NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP13(Rev 1) Trade-offs between fishing and VME protection.pdf, NPFC-2020-SSCBFME01-WP13-Presentation_Trade-off_analysis.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP14 (Rev. 1) Literature review and data availability for North Pacific Armorhead stock assessment NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP14(Rev 1) North Pacific Armorhead literature review and data availability.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP15 (Rev. 1) Standardized approach to defining potential SAI NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP15(Rev 1) Standardized approach to defining potential SAI.pdf, NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP15(Rev 1) SAI Presentation.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP16 (Rev. 1) Elements of NPFC post-encounter measure NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-WP16(Rev 1) Elements of post-encounter measure.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP01 Comments on compiled bycatch species list for the Emperor Seamounts (ESM)
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP02 (Rev. 1) NPFC SC Project #10: International Course for NPFC Observers for VME Indicator Taxa Identification NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP02(Rev 1) SC Project 10_Course for VME taxa identification_0.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP03 Revised schedule and results of monitoring survey for North Pacific armorhead in the Emperor Seamounts in 2020 NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP03 NPA monitoring survey in 2020.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP04 Approaches used by other RFMOs and CCAMLR to avoid significant adverse impacts on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP04 Review of other RFMOs VME avoidance (Cryer&Soeffker).pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP05 Overview of NOAA Deep Sea Coral database NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP05 Overview of NOAA Deep Sea Coral database.docx
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP06 First data on the structure of vulnerable marine ecosystems of the Emperor Chain Seamounts: Indicator taxa, landscapes and biogeography NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP06 First data on VME structure on Emperor Seamounts.pdf
    NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP07 Octocorallia as a key taxon in the vulnerable marine ecosystems of the Emperor Chain (Northwest Pacific): diversity, distribution and biogeographical boundary NPFC-2020-SSC BFME01-IP07 Octocorallia Emperor Seamounts_0.pdf
    Template for collecting scientific observer data from bottom fisheries (click for LINK)