4th Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment

    Yokohama, Japan
    Short Name
    4th TWG PSSA
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1 Opening of the Meeting
    2 Adoption of Agenda
    3 Overview of the outcomes of previous NPFC meetings and intersessional activities relevant to Pacific saury
    3.1 TWG PSSA03 meeting
    3.2 BRP/HCR/MSE workshop
    3.3 Progress of work on the joint CPUE standardization
    4 Review of the Terms of References of the TWG PSSA
    5 Review of recent fishery status
    6 Review of results of the stock assessment using “provisional base models” (BSSPM)
    6.1 Review of the Stock Assessment Protocol
    6.2 Review of the specification agreed in TWG PSSA03 meeting
    6.3 Review of stock assessment results
    6.4 Conclusion on the stock status of Pacific saury
    6.4.1 Stock biomass
    6.4.2 Fishing mortality
    6.4.3 Level of uncertainty
    6.4.4 Conclusion on the stock status of Pacific saury
    6.5 Recommendations for future work
    6.5.1 Possible improvements of the models within BSSPM
    6.5.2 Visual presentation of stock assessment results to SC and Commission
    6.5.3 Facilitation of code-sharing processes
    6.5.4 Others
    7 Implication for management of Pacific saury based on “provisional base models” (BSSPM)
    7.1 Biological reference points
    7.2 Review results of future projection
    7.3 Risk analyses of alternative catch levels
    7.4 Conclusion on the management advice
    8 Review and update of biological information/data
    9 Exploration of stock assessment models other than existing “provisional base models”
    9.1 Data invention/availability (including the identification of potential covariates)
    9.2 Initial discussion on age/size/stage-structured models
    9.3 Identification of information/data gaps and limits
    9.4 Recommendations for future work
    10 Other matters
    10.1 Initial discussion on Management Strategy Evaluation
    10.2 Priorities for next meeting
    10.3 Selection of TWG PSSA Chair for next biennium
    10.4 Other
    11 Recommendations to the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury
    12 Adoption of Report
    13 Close of the Meeting
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-MIP02
    Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-MIP03
    Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-MIP04 (Rev. 1)
    Indicative Schedule
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-Final Report
    Report of the 3rd meeting of TWG PSSA
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP07
    Russian fishery for Pacific saury in 2018
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-IP02
    Catch and CPUE of the Korean Pacific saury fishery
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-IP03
    Status of Japanese Pacific saury fishery in 2018
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-IP04
    Updated Fishery Report of Chinese Taipei to 2018
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-IP01
    Pacific saury fishery in China in 2018
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    6.5.4 Others
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    NPFC-2019-WS BRP_HCR_MSE01-WP01 (Rev. 1)
    Review of target and limit reference points
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    10.4 Other
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    No documents listed
    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-MIP02 Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-MIP03 Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-MIP04 (Rev. 1) Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP01 Preliminary Joint CPUE standardization for the Pacific saury with generalized linear and generalized additive models on the assumption of lognormal distributions
    NPFC-2019-WS BRP_HCR_MSE01-WP01 (Rev. 1) Review of target and limit reference points
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP02 Available information of growth, maturation and mortality for future stock assessment and management of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP03 Preliminary joint CPUE standardization for the Pacific saury in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP04 Alternative stock assessment of Pacific saury in the western North Pacific Ocean using JABBA
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP05 CPUE standardization for Pacific saury fishery in North Pacific using GLM and spatial-GLM model
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP06 Comparison of joint CPUE standardization based on various scenarios for Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP07 Russian fishery for Pacific saury in 2018
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP08 (Rev. 1) North Pacific Ocean Pacific Saury (Cololabis saira) 2019 Stock Assessment Update Report
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP09 (Rev. 1) Stock assessment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Western North Pacific Ocean through 2018
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-WP10 (Rev. 1) Outcomes of the stock assessment for the Pacific saury – 2019 update with the BSSPM
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-IP01 Pacific saury fishery in China in 2018
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-IP02 Catch and CPUE of the Korean Pacific saury fishery
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-IP03 Status of Japanese Pacific saury fishery in 2018
    NPFC-2019-TWG PSSA04-IP04 Updated Fishery Report of Chinese Taipei to 2018
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-Final Report, Annex F and G Specifications of the BSSPM for the updated stock assessment and template for stock status information and future projection
    NPFC-2018-TWG PSSA03-Final Report Report of the 3rd meeting of TWG PSSA
    Terms of Reference for TWG PSSA (click for LINK)
    Stock Assessment Protocol for Pacific Saury (click for LINK)
    Data availability for PSSA (click for LINK)