2nd Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Pacific Saury Stock Assessment

    Vladivostok, Russia
    Short Name
    2nd TWG PSSA
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Overview of the outcomes of previous NPFC meetings relevant to Pacific saury
    4. Review of the Terms of References of the TWG PSSA for 2017-2021
    5. Review of fishery data and their availability
    5.1 Catch series, age/size composition data and others
    5.2 Recommendations on data collection and data sharing
    6. Review of fishery-dependent and fishery-independent indices
    6.1 Review of the existing protocol
    6.2 Review/update of the indices
    6.3 Evaluation of the quality of the indices
    6.4 Recommendations on future works
    7. Review and update of biological information/data
    8. Update of the stock assessment using “provisional base models” (BSSPM)
    8.1 Review of the existing model, stock assessment protocol and specification
    8.2 Update of the analyses using a new set of data
    8.3 Implication for management of Pacific saury fisheries
    8.3.1 Stock biomass, fishing mortality and associated uncertainties
    8.3.2 Biological reference points
    8.3.3 Risk analyses of alternative catch levels
    8.4 Possible improvements of the models within BSSPM
    8.5 Recommendations on future works
    9. Exploration of stock assessment models other than existing “provisional base models”
    9.1 Data invention/availability (including the identification of potential covariates)
    9.2 Initial discussion on age/size/stage-structured models
    9.3 Identification of information/data gaps and limits
    9.4 Recommendations on future works
    10. Other matters
    10.1 Review of presentation of stock assessment results
    10.2 Facilitation of code-sharing processes
    10.3 Initial discussion on Management Strategy Evaluation
    10.4 Priorities for next meeting
    11. Recommendations to the Small Scientific Committee on Pacific Saury
    12. Adoption of Report
    13. Close of the Meeting
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-MIP02
    Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-MIP03
    Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-MIP04 (Rev. 2)
    Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-MIP05
    Provisional List of Documents
    CMM 2017-08
    Conservation and management measure for Pacific saury
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA01-Final Report
    Report of the 1st TWG PSSA meeting (Click for LINK)
    NPFC-2017-SSC PS02-Final Report
    Report of the 2nd SSC PS meeting (Click for LINK)
    NPFC-2017-SC02-Final Report
    Report of the 2nd SC meeting (Click for LINK)
    NPFC-2017-COM03-Final Report
    Report of the 3rd Commission meeting (Click for LINK)
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP01
    Draft Data list for stock assessments
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP04
    Serious status of Japanese Pacific saury fishery in 2017 and change in formation of fishing grounds since 2010
    NPFC-2017-SSC PS02-WP03 (Rev. 2)
    Pacific saury catches 1950-2016 (Click for LINK)
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP14
    The results of Russian fisheries for Pacific saury in 2016
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-IP01
    Fishery Report of Chinese Taipei to NPFC
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-MIP02 Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-MIP03 Provisional Annotated Agenda
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-MIP04 (Rev. 2) Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-MIP05 Provisional List of Documents
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP01 Draft Data list for stock assessments
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP02 CPUE standardization of the Pacific saury in Russian EEZ in the Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP03 CPUE standardization of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) for the Taiwanese stick-held dip net fishery in the Northwestern Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-SSC PS02-WP03 (Rev. 2) Pacific saury catches 1950-2016 (Click for LINK)
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP04 Serious status of Japanese Pacific saury fishery in 2017 and change in formation of fishing grounds since 2010
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP05 Results of Japanese fishery independent surveys for Pacific saury conducted in 2016 and 2017, and verification in biomass estimating method
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP06 Update of Japanese standardized CPUE of stick-held dipnet fishery for Pacific saury and its modification corresponding to the changing status of the fishery
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP07 Stock identity, spawning ground, maturation, and migration of Pacific saury, Cololabis saira
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP08 (Rev. 1) Standardization of CPUE data of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) caught by the Chinese stick-held dip net fishery
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP09 A comparison of conventional and state-space production models in fisheries stock assessment and management
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP10 (Rev. 1) Pacific Saury Data_2017Dec4
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP11 Updates of provisional stock assessment of Pacific saury in the North Pacific Ocean by using state-space biomass dynamics models
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP12 2017 Pacific Saury Stock Assessment Update
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP13 Stock assessment of Pacific saury in the western North Pacific Ocean using state-space biomass dynamic model which incorporates seasonality
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP14 The results of Russian fisheries for Pacific saury in 2016
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-WP15 Stock assessment of Pacific saury (Cololabis saira) in the Western North Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA02-IP01 Fishery Report of Chinese Taipei to NPFC
    NPFC-2017-SSC PS02-Final Report Report of the 2nd SSC PS meeting (Click for LINK)
    NPFC-2017-SC02-Final Report Report of the 2nd SC meeting (Click for LINK)
    NPFC-2017-COM03-Final Report Report of the 3rd Commission meeting (Click for LINK)
    CMM 2017-08 Conservation and management measure for Pacific saury
    NPFC-2017-TWG PSSA01-Final Report Report of the 1st TWG PSSA meeting (Click for LINK)
    Terms of Reference for TWG PSSA (Click for LINK)
    Stock assessment protocol (Click for LINK)
    Interim guidance for management of scientific data (Click for LINK)
    Protocol for CPUE standardization