7th Scientific Committee Meeting

    Short Name
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Meeting arrangements
    4. NPFC Performance Review recommendations for the Scientific Committee
    5. Review of reports and recommendations from the Small Scientific Committees (SSC BF-ME and SSC PS) and the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment (TWG CMSA)
    5.1 Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment
    5.2 SSC on Bottom Fish and Marine Ecosystems
    5.3 SSC on Pacific Saury
    5.3.1 Selection of vice-chair of SSC PS
    6. Report and recommendations from the Joint SC-TCC-COM Small Working Group on Management Strategy Evaluation for Pacific Saury (SWG MSE PS)
    7. Priority species
    7.1 Summary of progress on the remaining four priority species
    7.1.1 Neon flying squid
    7.1.2 Japanese sardine
    7.1.3 Japanese flying squid
    7.1.4 Blue mackerel
    7.2 Identification of data needs and data gaps and strategies to fill those gaps
    7.2.1 Spatial data summarized by year and 1 x 1 degree resolution
    7.3 Stock assessment of NFS, JS, JFS, and BM
    7.3.1 Top-down prioritization
    7.3.2 Capacity
    7.3.3 Funding availability
    8. Progress in data collection, management and security
    8.1 Information management and security regulations
    8.1.1 Procedures for sharing code
    8.2 Data collection
    8.2.1 Information about species belonging to same ecosystem or dependent/associated with target stocks
    8.2.2 Data gaps and needs that could be filled by an observer program
    8.2.3 Scientific needs for electronic monitoring
    8.3 NPFC data management system (DMS)
    9. Scientific projects for 2023 and 2024
    9.1 Ongoing/planned projects
    9.2 New projects
    9.3 Review and prioritization of projects
    10. Cooperation with other organizations
    10.1 Reports on the joint NPFC-PICES activities since the SC06 meeting, including a report from the PICES Secretariat
    10.2 Update on the joint NPFC-PICES workshop/course on VME indicator identification
    10.3 SC representation at scientific meetings
    10.3.1 Report on joint PICES-ICES-FAO small pelagic fish (SPF) symposium
    10.3.2 SC representation in joint PICES/ICES Working Group on Small Pelagic Fish (WGSPF)
    10.3.3 Report on PICES topic session on SPF
    10.3.4 Process for selecting SC representatives at future scientific meetings
    10.4 NPFC/NPAFC Memorandum of Cooperation and Work Plan
    10.4.1 Report on the NPAFC’s multinational IYS survey in the North Pacific Ocean
    10.5 FAO ABNJ Deep-sea fisheries project
    10.6 Partnership with the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System of FAO (FIRMS)
    10.7 Cooperation with other organizations
    11. 2022-2026 Research Plan and Work Plan
    11.1 Five-year Research Plan
    11.2 Five-year Work Plan
    12. Other matters
    12.1 Review of the Scientific Committee Terms of Reference (TOR)
    12.2 Coordination between SC and TCC
    12.2.1 Fishing effort indicators
    12.3 Other issues
    13. Advice and recommendations to the Commission
    15. Press release
    16. Adoption of the Report
    17. Close of the Meeting
    14. Next meeting
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    7.3.2 Capacity
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    NPFC data sharing and data security protocol
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    NPFC Data Management System
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2022-SC07-MIP02 Provisional Agenda NPFC-2022-SC07-MIP02 Provisional Agenda.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-MIP03 (Rev. 2) Annotated Indicative Schedule NPFC-2022-SC07-MIP03(Rev 2) Annotated Indicative Schedule_0.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP01 Revised NPFC SC Research Plan NPFC-2022-SC07-WP01 Revised NPFC SC Research Plan.docx
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP02 Five-Year Work Plan of the Scientific Committee NPFC-2022-SC07-WP02 Five-year SC Work Plan.docx
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP03 Revised Regulations for Management of Scientific Data and Information NPFC-2022-SC07-WP03 Revised Regulations for Management of SC Data and Information.docx
    NPFC-2018-SC03-WP03 (Rev. 1) Report on the existing observer programs of NPFC Members and those of other RFMOs NPFC-2018-SC03-WP03(Rev 1) Report on existing Observer Programs_0.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP04 (Rev. 1) Scientific projects NPFC-2022-SC07-WP04(Rev 1) Scientific Projects.docx
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP05 Summary of the 1st joint meeting of SWG NFS, JS, JFS, and BM NPFC-2022-SC07-WP05 SWG_pelagics_01_Meeting Summary.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP06 Summary of the 2nd joint meeting of SWG NFS, JS, JFS, and BM NPFC-2022-SC07-WP06 SWG_pelagics_02_Meeting Summary.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP07 Species summary for neon flying squid NPFC-2022-SC07-WP07 Species summary for neon flying squid.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP08 Species summary for Japanese sardine NPFC-2022-SC07-WP08 Japanese_Sardine_Species_Summary.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP09 Species summary for Japanese flying squid NPFC-2022-SC07-WP09 Species summary for Japanese flying squid.docx
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP10 (Rev. 1) Species summary for blue mackerel NPFC-2022-SC07-WP10(Rev 1) Blue Mackerel Species Summary.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP11 (Rev. 1) Catch per unit effort calculations: Japanese Sardine NPFC-2022-SC07-WP11(Rev 1) Japanese_Sardine_CPUE.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-WP12 Fisheries Operation Plan and impact assessment for a Chub mackerel fishery within the NPFC Convention area NPFC-2022-SC07-WP12 EU Fisheries Operation Plan and impact assessment for CM.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-IP01 Evaluation and ranking of nominations for SC representatives to be financially supported to participate in relevant scientific meetings NPFC-2022-SC07-IP01 Evaluation and ranking of nominations for SC representatives.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-IP02 NPFC Data Management System
    NPFC-2022-SC07-IP03 Report on joint PICES-ICES-FAO small pelagic fish (SPF) symposium NPFC-2022-SC07-IP03 Report on SPF Symposium.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-IP04 (Rev. 1) A compiled list of cooperation opportunities and requests from other organizations NPFC-2022-SC07-IP04(Rev 1) Compiled list of cooperation opportunities and requests from other organizations.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-IP05 NPFC data sharing and data security protocol
    NPFC-2022-SC07-OP01 Progress report on the 2022 IYS Winter High Seas Research Expedition NPFC-2022-SC07-OP01 2022 Expedition progress report to NPFC.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-OP02 Five-year Work Plan (2021–2025) to Implement NPAFC/NPFC Memorandum of Cooperation NPFC-2022-SC07-OP02 NPFC-NPAFC Detailed Work Plan.docx
    NPFC-2022-SC07-OP03 Partnership with the Fisheries and Resources Monitoring System of FAO (FIRMS) NPFC-2022-SC07-OP03 Partnership with FIRMS.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-OP04 Deep-sea Fisheries Project – Update NPFC-2022-SC07-OP04 FAO DSF Project.pdf
    NPFC-2022-SC07-OP05 Report on Joint NPFC-PICES activities for SC-07, December 2022 NPFC-2022-SC07-OP05 Report on joint activities from PICES.pdf
    Terms of References of the SC (click for LINK)
    Report NPFC Performance Review Panel (click for LINK)
    TWG CMSA05 and 06 meeting reports (click for LINK)
    SWG MSE PS01 and 02 meeting reports (click for LINK)