Agenda Item 7.2 - Update of abundance indices submitted by Members

    Title Agenda Sub-Group Document Number Authors File
    Standardized CPUE of Japanese commercial dip-net fishery targeting spawners of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP03 Shota Nishijima, Ryuji Yukami, and Momoko Ichinokawa
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP03 CPUE_standardization_dipnet_Jpn.pdf, Standardized_Index_dipnet_jpn.pdf
    Standardizing monthly egg survey data as an abundance index for spawning stock biomass of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP05 (Rev. 1) Ken Ishida, Shota Nishijima, Momoko Ichinokawa and Ryuji Yukami
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP05(Rev 1) EggSurvey_Jpn.pdf
    Standardized abundance index for recruitment of chub mackerel from Northwest Pacific summer surveys up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP06 (Rev. 1) Shota Nishijima, Yasuhiro Kamimura, Momoko Ichinokawa, and Ryuji Yukami
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP06(Rev 1) CPUE_standardization_summer_jpn_ver5.docx, Standardized_Index_summer_jpn_ver2.pdf
    Standardized CPUE of Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) caught by the China’s lighting purse seine fishery up to 2022 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP07 (Rev. 1) Yongchuang Shi, Heng Zhang, Haibin Han
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP07(Rev 1) Standardized CPUE of CM up to 2022_CHN.pdf
    Standardized Abundance Indices for Ages 0 and 1 Fish of Chub Mackerel from Northwest Pacific Autumn Surveys up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP08 (Rev. 1) Shota Nishijima, Momoko Ichinokawa, and Ryuji Yukami
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP08(Rev 1) CPUE_standardization_autumn_Jpn.docx, Standardized_Indices_autumn_jpn_ver2.pdf
    Chub mackerel abundance indices in the North-Western Pacific Ocean based on the results of stocks surveys carried out by Russian research vessels in 2014-2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP09 Antonenko D. V.
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP09 CM abundance indices in NWPO surveys 2014-2023_Rus.docx