8th TWG CMSA meeting

    Niigata, Japan
    Short Name
    TWG CMSA08
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    Meeting Report File for Public
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Overview of the recommendations and outcomes of previous NPFC meetings relevant to chub mackerel
    3.1 TWG CMSA07
    3.2 Intersessional meetings of TWG CMSA
    3.3 SC08
    4. Members fishery status and research activities, inter alia in 2023
    5. Biological information
    5.1 Weight-length relationships
    5.2 Natural mortalities
    5.3 Maturity-at-age
    5.4 Finalization of biological parameters for stock assessment in TWG CMSA09
    6. Fishery and biological data for stock assessment
    6.1 Catch-at-age
    6.1.1 Length frequency, catch-at-length/size and age-length key
    6.1.2 Calculation of catch-at-age
    6.2 Weight-at-age
    6.3 Finalization of fishery and biological data for stock assessment in TWG CMSA09
    7. Abundance indices
    7.1 Finalization of CPUE document template
    7.2 Update of abundance indices submitted by Members
    7.3 Finalization of abundance indices for stock assessment in TWG CMSA09
    8. Settings and specifications of SAM
    8.1 Review of current settings and specifications
    8.2 Review of preliminary results from SAM
    8.3 Discussion towards finalization of settings and specifications
    9. Biological reference points
    9.1 Methods to calculate biological reference points
    10. Future projection of chub mackerel
    10.1 Methods to conduct future projection
    11. Review of the Work Plan of the TWG CMSA
    12. Other matters
    12.1 Timeline and intersessional activities before TWG CMSA09
    12.2 Observer Program
    12.2.1 Review data or data description on fisheries bycatch in the chub mackerel fisheries
    12.3 Species summary
    12.4 Space and methods to share data and codes
    12.5 Other issues
    13. Recommendations to the Scientific Committee
    14. Adoption of Report
    15. Close of the Meeting
    No documents listed
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    NPFC-2023-TWG CMSA07-Final Report
    7th TWG CMSA meeting report (click for LINK)
    3.3 SC08
    NPFC-2023-SC08-Draft Report
    SC08 Draft Report
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    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP11
    Quarterly catches and average weights by age groups
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    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP03
    Standardized CPUE of Japanese commercial dip-net fishery targeting spawners of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP03 CPUE_standardization_dipnet_Jpn.pdf, Standardized_Index_dipnet_jpn.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP06 (Rev. 1)
    Standardized abundance index for recruitment of chub mackerel from Northwest Pacific summer surveys up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP06(Rev 1) CPUE_standardization_summer_jpn_ver5.docx, Standardized_Index_summer_jpn_ver2.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP05 (Rev. 1)
    Standardizing monthly egg survey data as an abundance index for spawning stock biomass of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP05(Rev 1) EggSurvey_Jpn.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP07 (Rev. 1)
    Standardized CPUE of Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) caught by the China’s lighting purse seine fishery up to 2022 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP07(Rev 1) Standardized CPUE of CM up to 2022_CHN.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP08 (Rev. 1)
    Standardized Abundance Indices for Ages 0 and 1 Fish of Chub Mackerel from Northwest Pacific Autumn Surveys up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP08(Rev 1) CPUE_standardization_autumn_Jpn.docx, Standardized_Indices_autumn_jpn_ver2.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP09
    Chub mackerel abundance indices in the North-Western Pacific Ocean based on the results of stocks surveys carried out by Russian research vessels in 2014-2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP09 CM abundance indices in NWPO surveys 2014-2023_Rus.docx
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    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP01
    Report on GIT Repository Plan for TWG CMSA
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    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-MIP02 Provisional Agenda NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-MIP02 Provisional Agenda_0.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-MIP03 (Rev. 1) Annotated Indicative Schedule NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-MIP03(Rev 1) Annotated Indicative Schedule_0.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP01 (Rev. 1) TWG CMSA Work Plan, 2023-2027 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP01(Rev 1) TWG CMSA Work Plan.docx
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP02 Species summary for chub mackerel NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP02 Species summary for chub mackerel.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP03 Standardized CPUE of Japanese commercial dip-net fishery targeting spawners of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP03 CPUE_standardization_dipnet_Jpn.pdf, Standardized_Index_dipnet_jpn.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP04 (Rev. 1) CPUE Standardization Protocol for Chub Mackerel NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP04(Rev 1) CPUE Standardization Protocol for Chub Mackerel.docx
    NPFC-2023-SC08-WP04 (Rev. 2) Performance Review recommendations_SC08 NPFC-2023-SC08-WP04(Rev 2) Performance Review recommendations_SC08.xlsx
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP05 (Rev. 1) Standardizing monthly egg survey data as an abundance index for spawning stock biomass of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP05(Rev 1) EggSurvey_Jpn.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP06 (Rev. 1) Standardized abundance index for recruitment of chub mackerel from Northwest Pacific summer surveys up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP06(Rev 1) CPUE_standardization_summer_jpn_ver5.docx, Standardized_Index_summer_jpn_ver2.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP07 (Rev. 1) Standardized CPUE of Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) caught by the China’s lighting purse seine fishery up to 2022 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP07(Rev 1) Standardized CPUE of CM up to 2022_CHN.pdf
    NPFC-2023-TWG CMSA07-WP07 (Rev. 1) On the description and flexibility of state-space assessment model NPFC-2023-TWG CMSA07-WP07(Rev 1) sam_guidance_Jpn_with_additional_equation.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP08 (Rev. 1) Standardized Abundance Indices for Ages 0 and 1 Fish of Chub Mackerel from Northwest Pacific Autumn Surveys up to 2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP08(Rev 1) CPUE_standardization_autumn_Jpn.docx, Standardized_Indices_autumn_jpn_ver2.pdf
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP09 Chub mackerel abundance indices in the North-Western Pacific Ocean based on the results of stocks surveys carried out by Russian research vessels in 2014-2023 NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP09 CM abundance indices in NWPO surveys 2014-2023_Rus.docx
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP11 Quarterly catches and average weights by age groups
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP12 Growth and Mortality Estimation for Chub Mackerel based on Chinese data in the Convention Area of NPFC
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP13 Length-weight relationship and weight at age of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus caught in the northwestern Pacific Ocean by China, Japan, and Russia
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-WP14 Maturity at age of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus caught in the northwestern Pacific Ocean by China and Japan
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA-WP15 Catch at length, age length key, and catch at age of chub mackerels Scomber japonicus caught in the northwestern Pacific Ocean by China, Japan, and Russia
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP01 Report on GIT Repository Plan for TWG CMSA
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP02 Chub mackerel Russian fishery in the northwest Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean, research activities in 2023
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP03 Abundance and Distribution Estimation for Chub Mackerel and Blue mackerel in the Northwest Pacific Based on Scientific Research Surveys
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP04 Review of chub mackerel fishery in China and research activities
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP05 Recent fishery and stock status of chub mackerel from Japan
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP06 Update on natural mortality estimators for chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP07 Spawning of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) in the northwestern Pacific
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-IP08 By-catch data from Japanese mackerel fisheries in the Northwest Pacific
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13(Rev 1) Biological Data Provision Template
    NPFC-2023-TWG CMSA07-Final Report 7th TWG CMSA meeting report (click for LINK)
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA08-RP01 Summary of the 3rd Intersessional Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment
    NPFC-2023-SC08-Draft Report SC08 Draft Report