9th TWG CMSA meeting

    Yokohama, Japan
    Short Name
    TWG CMSA09
    Registration Due
    Meeting Papers Due
    1. Opening of the Meeting
    2. Adoption of Agenda
    3. Overview of the recommendations and outcomes of previous NPFC meetings relevant to chub mackerel
    3.1 TWG CMSA08
    3.2 Intersessional meetings of TWG CMSA
    4. Members fishery status and research activities
    5. Review of results of stock assessment using State-space stock assessment model (SAM)
    5.1 Review of Stock Assessment Protocol
    5.2 Review of data used for stock assessment
    5.3 Confirmation of setting and specification of SAM
    5.4 Review of stock assessment results
    5.4.1 Stock biomass, recruitment, spawning stock biomass, fishing mortalities, etc.
    5.4.2 Model diagnostics and sensitivity analysis
    5.5 Draft summary of stock assessment results
    6. Future projections and biological reference points
    6.1 Confirmation of projection methods and scenarios
    6.2 Review of projection results
    6.3 Draft of management advice based on the results of projection and biological reference points
    7. Stock assessment report
    7.1 Review of draft executive summary
    7.1.1 Stock status
    7.1.2 Management advice
    7.1.3 Others
    7.2 Review of draft stock assessment report
    7.3 Work assignments to finalize the report towards SC09 meeting
    8. Data collection and management
    8.1 Data provision templates
    8.2 Data inventory
    8.3 Update on GitHub repository and user manual
    8.4 Observer program
    9. Review of the Work Plan of the TWG CMSA
    10. Other matters
    10.1 Timeline and intersessional activities before TWG CMSA10
    10.2 Species summary
    10.3 Invited expert
    10.4 Election of Chair and vice-Chair
    10.5 Other issues
    11. Recommendations to the Scientific Committee
    12. Adoption of Meeting Report
    13. Close of the Meeting
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-MIP02
    Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-MIP03 (Rev. 2)
    Annotated Indicative Schedule
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    TWG CMSA08 Report
    8th TWG CMSA meeting report (click for LINK)
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    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
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    No documents listed
    7.1.1 Stock status
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    7.1.3 Others
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    No documents listed
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    No documents listed
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13 (Rev 1)
    Biological Data Provision Templates (click for LINK)
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP10
    Scientific data management system: data inventory
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-IP02
    Update on GitHub Repository and User Manual
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP08 (Rev. 2)
    TWG CMSA Work Plan, 2024-2028
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP01 (Rev. 1)
    Performance Review Recommendations update
    No documents listed
    No documents listed
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP09 (Rev. 2)
    Species Summary for Chub Mackerel
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    No documents listed
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    No documents listed
    Document Number Title File Created
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-MIP02 Provisional Agenda
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-MIP03 (Rev. 2) Annotated Indicative Schedule
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP01 The data description for the base case stock assessment of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP01 (Rev. 1) Performance Review Recommendations update
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP02 The data description of input data used for the sensitivity analyses of the stock assessment of chub mackerel Scomber japonicus in the northwestern Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2024-SC09-WP02 (Rev. 1) Report on the existing observer programs of NPFC Members and those of other RFMOs
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP03 (Rev.1) Base case stock assessment for chub mackerel in Northwest Pacific Ocean in 2024
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP04 Sensitivity of the chub mackerel stock assessment in 2024 to observation and model uncertainty in the Northwest Pacific Ocean
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP05 Biological reference points and future projections with the results of stock assessment for the Pacific chub mackerel
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP06 Revised Standardized Abundance Indices for Ages 0 and 1 Fish of Chub Mackerel from Northwest Pacific Autumn Surveys up to 2023
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP07 Standardizing monthly egg survey data as an abundance index for spawning stock biomass of chub mackerel in the Northwest Pacific
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP08 (Rev. 2) TWG CMSA Work Plan, 2024-2028
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP09 (Rev. 2) Species Summary for Chub Mackerel
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP10 Scientific data management system: data inventory
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP11 Standardized CPUE of Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) caught by the Russia’s trawls fishery up to 2023
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP12 (Rev. 1) Stock assessment based on age-structured assessment program for Chub mackerel in the North Pacific Ocean 2024
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-WP13 (Rev. 1) Standardized CPUE of Chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) caught by the China’s lighting purse seine fishery up to 2022
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-IP01 Effects of Kuroshio Current Variability and Pacific Decadal Oscillation on Recent Decline in Chub Mackerel (Scomber japonicus) Catch in the Northwestern Pacific in the 2020s
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-IP02 Update on GitHub Repository and User Manual
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-IP03 Review of chub mackerel fishery in China and research activities
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-IP04 Recent fishery and stock status of chub mackerel from Japan
    NPFC-2023-SC08-IP13 (Rev 1) Biological Data Provision Templates (click for LINK)
    TWG CMSA08 Report 8th TWG CMSA meeting report (click for LINK)
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-RP01 Summary of the 1st Intersessional Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment
    NPFC-2024-TWG CMSA09-RP02 Summary of the 2nd Intersessional Meeting of the Technical Working Group on Chub Mackerel Stock Assessment